Criminal Defense Attorney Columbia, South Carolina


Debate Heats Up Over U.S. Drunk-Driving Regulations

In recent years, discussions about lowering the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for drivers have intensified. One proposal suggests reducing the drunk driving limit from 0.08% to 0.05%. This may seem like a straightforward move toward improving road safety. However, as an experienced Columbia DUI defense law firm, we see this issue differently. We have...

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What Are the Pros and Cons of Plea Bargains?

If you're facing federal or state criminal charges in South Carolina, there's a chance the prosecution will offer a plea deal, depending on the nature of your charges. A plea bargain is an agreement between a defendant and a prosecutor. In this agreement, the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a lesser charge or one...

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Can South Carolina Police Search Your Car Without A Warrant?

When it comes to traffic stops in South Carolina, there's often a question regarding whether law enforcement can search a vehicle without a warrant. While a warrant is often required to conduct a search, this isn't always the case. Whether you're facing criminal charges after a vehicle search or simply want to know how to...

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Seeking Legal Help for DUI Manslaughter Charges

DUI manslaughter charges in South Carolina carry severe legal consequences that drastically alter the lives of those accused. DUI manslaughter in South Carolina is defined under Section 56-5-2945 of the South Carolina Code of Laws. It occurs when a motorist causes the death of another person while driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or a...

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Marijuana Reclassification Expected to Reshape U.S. Drug Policy

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration plans to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous substance, pending a White House Office of Management and Budget review. This significant policy change acknowledges cannabis's medical benefits and lower abuse potential compared to more harmful drugs. However, it doesn't fully legalize recreational use. Five anonymous sources confirmed this move, which...

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NHTSA Takes Step to Implement Drunk Driving Prevention Tech in Vehicles

In 2021, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that 13,384 fatalities were caused by drunk driving accidents. In response, federal automobile regulators have initiated steps to integrate drunk driving prevention technology into new cars as a standard feature. The NHTSA recently stated that this technology has the potential to significantly reduce the annual...

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DUI Penalties and Ignition Interlock Requirements in South Carolina

The Ignition Interlock Program in South Carolina is part of the state's efforts to combat drunk driving. This program targets people aged 21 and above convicted of driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) that exceeds the legal limit of .08%. Those convicted face harsh legal consequences, depending on the severity and frequency of DUI...

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Can You Refuse To Take A Field Sobriety Test?

Know what to expect if you are pulled over by police. If you are pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI) in South Carolina, you will be asked to submit to a series of field sobriety tests (FSTs). While these tests are not the only methods police use to determine impairment, the...

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Possible Defenses Against Domestic Violence Charges

How do you beat a CDV charge in South Carolina? Domestic violence is a serious crime in South Carolina, and a conviction can have serious consequences. These include prison, heavy fines – and a criminal record. That's why it's important to have an experienced criminal defense lawyer on your side. If you are facing charges,...

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Tips for Avoiding a Holiday DUI in South Carolina

Don't let a drunk driving charge ruin your holidays. Around this time of year, everyone starts to get into the holiday spirit. Although the festive season is all about joy and cheer, getting behind the wheel intoxicated can quickly turn celebrations into tragedies. It's crucial to stay mindful of the risks associated with drinking and...

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